Ms. Marcia Hunt » Ms. Marcia

Ms. Marcia

Hi!  I am so excited to be at Alice King Community School.  This is my 2nd year here!
This year I am happy to be located in our NEW Project Space on our 1st floor.  This space is to help support our mission of project-based learning.  Classes can book blocks of time to come work on projects or they can use many of the creative and scientific specific items located in the room.  Some of those items include marble runs, magnetic kits, toolbenches, knietic sand and snap circuits.   Our room is growing so keep watching to see as we add more to the room.
AKCS Project Room
I also support the technology within Alice King Community.  I began my "computing" career in 1983 when "desktops" were introduced as well as the first laptop, the GRiD.  
Grid Laptop Computer
I worked at a computer specialist for the General Services Administration, the State Department in Arlington, Virginia and retired from the Bureau of Land Managment in Anchorage, Alaska.  I have always been interested in how things work as my parents could confirm when the would constantly find objects taken apart.  After moving to Albuquerque in 2011 I began working with APS as a Technology Coordinator for two local schools and eventually Lead, Computer Tech for the district.  I moved to Alice King a few years back to have a better sense of community.  I am so glad I did.
When not at work I enjoy spending times hiking, traveling, reading and spending time with friends and family.  I have two children and two corgis and love being able to spend time with them.