Bus » Bus Information

Bus Information

Alice King Community School has two buses with two different bus stop locations. 

 Students needing to ride the bus must complete the Bus Registration Form annually. 

Bus Stop Locations:

Location #1 - Sagebrush Church located at 6440 Coors Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120

Location #2 - Hoffmantown Church located at 8888 Harper Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111


Pick-up (Mornings):

Buses are not available at this time to pick-up students and bring them to school. Buses will run afterschool only.

Drop-off Location (After School):

Parents are to arrive at the bus stop no later than 4:15 p.m.

It is important that you are at the bus stop when the bus arrives. If you are late to pick up your child from the bus stop your child(ren) may be suspended from riding the bus.


**Please note- AKCS has no control over the bus times, arrivals, or delays. This is handled directly by the bus contractor. AKCS is directed by the bus contractor on the times that families must arrive to pick up after school. Depending on many factors, such as traffic, the bus could be delayed. AKCS utilizes a communication app to notify families of extenuating circumstances. 


Alice King Community School Bus Rules

AKCS students are expected to follow the same standards of conduct on the bus as they do during the school day.

1.  Be respectful of people and property. 

2.  Keep body parts and personal items to yourself and out of the aisle.

3.  Sit in your assigned seat unless moved by an adult.

4.  Sit still, in your seat facing forward, keep your voice at a level 1 while on the bus.

5.  Wait to eat or drink until you are off the bus.

6.  Leave all electronic devices, including phones, in your backpack.

7.  Enter and exit the bus as you would an airplane, one seat at a time from the front to the back. Remain seated until it is your turn to exit.

8.  Students may not bring personal toys or electronic devices on the bus.

9.  Bullying or physical contact will not be tolerated.

10.  Wear a multiply mask at all times.