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Congratulations to History Day State Qualifiers

I want to take a minute to sincerely thank our students who were willing to step outside their comfort zone, push themselves, and enter Regional Competition for National History Day. It took extra effort and dedication for those students to come with us on a Friday and compete, and it took extra effort and dedication to complete the rigorous research requirements. 
We had entries in four categories, and had State Qualifiers in all four at the Albuquerque Regional. Congratulations to Regional Honorable Mention winner Brenden Chavez, Regional Second Place Finishers Erin Potts, Maya Hicks and Joaquin DeLa Cruz, and Regional Champions Luke Pier, Kaisa-Tinuviel Baca, and Eco Chavez. 
These students all deserve special credit, because they persevered through a less successful year last year (our first) when we had only one State Qualifier. We learn by humbling ourselves to the hardest tasks, and persevering through disappointments. No pressure, but I'd love to see some of our other first-timers joining us again next year! It's your dedication we're all so proud of, and the success we've had is a byproduct of that dedication. 
State Competition is April 27th at the Hispanic Cultural Center. There is an Open House at noon when you can see the Exhibit Boards. Any student who shows up to root for their peers will receive a homework pass for that week's (incredibly difficult) homework.